Student loan discharge is not automatic in bankruptcy like so many other types of debt. In many cases, you cannot get student loan debt discharged. However, there are circumstances where student loans may be discharged if you can meet necessary requirements.
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If you are looking into college and do not yet know how you are going to pay for it, then you are likely considering a student loan. It is a popular way to pay for college these days but before you sign the contract on one, you need to explore your options. There are several categories of student loans and they are not all created equally. View these types of student loans so you can better choose the right one for your needs.
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For many people, student debt is a debt that cannot be avoided. However, there are ways to keep it to a minimum. There are tips and tricks you can and should take advantage up to reduce the burden of student debt.
These steps should be taken at the beginning of your student career to optimize them but even if you already have a lot of student debt, there are actions you can take.
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Looking for help on your student loans? While traditional loan management tactics are infamously difficult to apply to student debt, there are ways to get forgiveness, discharges and alterations! Here’s the positive side of debt aid.
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After the celebration of high school graduation, heading off to college is the next step. With college comes the tackling of student loans and figuring out which are the best for you. Before signing your future financial status over to a loan provider, consider the following factors:
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