Choosing to go through the process of bankruptcy was likely a very difficult decision but now you have the opportunity to start new. The New Year is a great time to create new habits and ensure you get started on the right foot financially. Use these tips to help you accomplish your financial goal after bankruptcy this year.
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For some people, bankruptcy leads to divorce and vice versa. Dealing with both at the same time may seem like an impossibility but there are tricks you can use to make both go a bit smoother. Before you file for either, consider these situations and decide which is the best option for your situation.
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Depending on your Chapter 13 bankruptcy arrangements, you may find yourself without a car or, during your years of repayment, you may need a new car. … which often means a new car loan. Because a vehicle is often required for work or family purposes, you will have a chance to buy one if necessary. Here are the important steps in the process!
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If you feel like you’re drowning financially with no hope in sight, then bankruptcy may be the solution, but what are the rules? The process is complex and overwhelming for some, which is why you hire an attorney to do most of the legwork. You can save time and money, however; by avoiding some common errors when getting ready to file.
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While a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is often consider the fastest form of personal bankruptcy, that doesn’t mean it happens immediately. As the proceedings continue, you may find yourself waiting for court dates to be set, creditors to meet, paperwork to be filed, and so on. What should you do with this time on your hands? Here’s what you should know.
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The decision to explore bankruptcy as a solution to serious financial problems is a difficult step to take. Sometimes our clients find themselves in a precarious financial position through no fault of their own and find that bankruptcy is the most sensible solution to their financial difficulties. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is available to individuals who meet specific income criteria.
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You may have heard that a Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharges all of your debts. A discharge removes all legal responsibility of the debtor to pay the debt. A creditor may no longer seek repayment on discharged debt. While many debts can be discharged through a completed Chapter 7 bankruptcy, some debts are not eligible to be discharged.
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When deciding on the right time to file for bankruptcy, it’s important to consider all the factors associated with such an important financial decision. Many individuals may feel they are a few steps from going under.How can you tell if bankruptcy is the best choice for you? Click here to read more »
Bankruptcy may seem like it is inevitable but there are a few strategies you can try before filing. Follow some of these steps before you decide that bankruptcy is the only option left.
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Bankruptcy is not the end of the world when it comes to credit but rebuilding your credit is something you will have to actively work toward. Your credit will not rebuild itself. However, if you take the necessary steps to rebuilding credit after bankruptcy, you will see your credit score rise in no time. Click here to read more »
Living happily ever after means being realistic about finances, and open and honest about all aspects of your life together. While marrying someone who has previously declared bankruptcy does not automatically affect your own credit rating, money management will affect your future together.
Discuss with your intended the reasons that led to a bankruptcy, and the lessons he or she learned about financial affairs. Whether it was a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy and what led to it can certainly have an effect on your life. Remember that a bankruptcy is reported on an individual’s credit report for a minimum of seven years. With a Chapter 13 court-mandated repayment plan, you might face an additional financial burden as a couple until the debt is repaid. Click here to read more »
Bankruptcy carries a stigma that is unwarranted. This legal process simply allows you to get out from under onerous debt and gives you a fresh start. In many cases, the only people who know about your bankruptcy are your legal team and your immediate family. Your mail carrier may know as well, but they’ve been delivering your dunning and collections notices for years and pretty much know what’s up with every family on the block.
Deciding who to tell about your bankruptcy is up to you; people may be a lot less interested in your finances than you think, particularly if you don’t seem shamed or embarrassed by this common process.
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The decision to file for bankruptcy should never be taken lightly, but if you are exploring that step as a solution to severe financial difficulty, take the time to tackle the details early in the process.
Your first step should be to schedule an initial consultation with a trained and trusted bankruptcy attorney. As you probably know, there are various types of bankruptcy, and specific requirements, timetables and limitations that vary from one state to another. Your legal adviser will answer all your questions, and tell you about the checklist of documents you will be required to provide. You might also gain insight into other possible options. No matter where you currently are along the path toward bankruptcy, remember that the actual filing takes time. There is no “one size fits all” form of bankruptcy, and you must be comfortable working with your attorney throughout the process.
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Bankruptcy is hard but you may be entitled to keep certain benefits in the state of Georgia. Let Clark & Washington help secure those benefits and contact us today.
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Filing for bankruptcy can be incredibly stressful and can put you on the edge. Stress is useless and can make the entire process even more difficult. Instead of mulling over what is happening with your bankruptcy petition, relax, unwind and relieve some of the stress of starting over financially. Clark & Washington offers four tips here:
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Bankruptcy was put into place for people that were not able to meet their financial obligations. It protects them from the creditors contacting them to pay the bills they are unable to.
When trying to determine whether bankruptcy is right for you, there are 5 things you need to know about filing for bankruptcy.
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There are a lot of lawyers out there, and it can be difficult to make a choice on which is the best one to help you. Filing for bankruptcy is an emotional decision, and those feelings can easily cloud your choices at every stage of the game. You may just want to pick the one that’s cheapest, but you should also know by now that spending a little more today can save you money in the long run.
Here are five traits to look for when it comes to choosing a lawyer.
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There is technically no limit on how many times you can file for bankruptcy, but with the timing restrictions it’s definitely not a choice you can make often. Obviously no one hopes to file for bankruptcy even one time, but if the unfortunate event occurs where you’ll need to file again, Clark & Washington would like you to have the facts before you start the process.
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When you file for bankruptcy your assets and property are no longer yours to command. What happens to your home, for example, is a function of how much you owe on the unpaid mortgage as opposed to its market value. If the latter amount is greater than the former, the difference is your equity.
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Millions of people file for bankruptcy each year for various reasons. Bankruptcy is a situation in which a consumer does not have the ability to pay back his or her debts. Common reasons for bankruptcy are divorce, loss of job, family changes and disability. Two main types of bankruptcy exist for individual consumers. Chapter 13 is a chapter of bankruptcy that requires that the person pay some of the debt back. The person will have to create a repayment arrangement that the creditors will find appealing. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is another chapter that people refer to sometimes as the liquidation chapter. Creditors and debtors can come to agreements on items that the debtor will offer to the creditors. Businesses filed chapters 10 and 11 bankruptcy. The following are some of the things that creditors are allowed to claim:
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