E.L. Clark

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How Long Does Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Last?

A Chapter 7 is one of the fastest routes through bankruptcy, taking as little as four to six months to complete in many cases. However, it will remain on your credit report for up to 10 years after the date that you filed. Thus, Chapter 7 can offer fast relief, but it will still have some consequences for long after you receive a discharge of debts.

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How Many Times Can You File Bankruptcy?

There are no limits on how many times you can file bankruptcy. However, there are wait times between when you can file another Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 personal bankruptcy. Further, filing bankruptcy multiple times may have consequences on your credit.

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Past Due Utility Bills and Bankruptcy Explained

When an individual files for bankruptcy protection, they commonly do so by filing with Chapter 7 of the bankruptcy code. This affords the opportunity for liquidation, which provides relief to people regardless of the overall amount of money they owe or (in most cases) who they owe it to.

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Is Filing for Bankruptcy Common in Georgia?

When someone files for bankruptcy, they typically do so because they’re looking for something of a “fresh start” when it comes to their existing debts and credit. Maybe a series of unfortunate financial decisions over the years has led them to the position they are now facing. Perhaps it was a matter of circumstance – they were a victim of larger situations (like economic activity) that are largely beyond their control.

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Financial Situations That Could Call For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a financial tool for those who have become unable to pay their debts. If approved, some types of debts no longer require repayment, allowing the individual to have a fresh financial start. Click here to read more »

Rebuilding Credit After a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Also commonly referred to as a “Wage Earner’s Plan,” Chapter 13 is a specific type of bankruptcy filing that is designed for those with a regular source of income. It’s a chance to come up with a long-term plan to repay all – or even some – of the debts they have incurred over time.

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Will I Lose My House If I File Bankruptcy?

You may be considering filing for bankruptcy but are worried about losing your house if you do.

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What Happens When A Co-Signer Files Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

People who have poor credit or a limited credit history may choose to apply for a loan using a cosigner. When agreeing to become a co-signer, the applicant with stronger credit takes on the legal obligation to pay the debt incurred by the primary applicant in case of default. A common example of this scenario is when a parent co-signs a loan for a young adult child’s first car or student loan.

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What Should I Expect From My Bankruptcy Lawyer

Filing for bankruptcy might be your answer to getting out from under crushing debt. It is not an easy process, though. There are complex legal filings necessary to complete a bankruptcy, which is why you will likely need a lawyer. Finding the right one is critical to your success, though. 

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Need to File Bankruptcy? Know Your Options!

Struggling to pay back your debt? Feel like you’ll never experience financial freedom? If you’re feeling overwhelmed by seemingly insurmountable debt, the good news is that you have options. For many individuals and business owners alike, filing for bankruptcy can help to alleviate much of the stress that comes along with excess debt.

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Steps to Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Do you feel overwhelmed with debt? Do you avoid answering the phone or opening your mail hoping to avoid the bill collectors? If so, filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be the answer you are looking for.

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Six Steps to Follow When Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Georgia is a process governed by federal law, not state law. This is not to say, however, that Georgia law isn’t part of Chapter 13 bankruptcies filed in the state. In fact, it is these laws that outline the property that can be protected from liquidation. 

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Reasons You Need Our Help Filing for Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can help you get a new start on your finances when you have a significant amount of debt. Although filing for bankruptcy without an attorney is an option, this could lead to problems or complications with your case, which can end up costing you more.

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The Effect of COVID-19 on Bankruptcy Filings

COVID-19 plunged the world into an economic and health crisis unlike any seen to date. According to long-held views by economists, the rates of businesses filing for bankruptcy is influenced by economic activity — or lack thereof. Over the last two years, a range of companies across a diverse number of industries, such as energy, commercial real estate, food service and restaurant, travel and leisure, communications, retail and more, have filed for bankruptcy. 

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Common Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Questions Answered

You are bound to have a lot of questions if you are considering filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Georgia. As the largest bankruptcy filer in the state, Clark & Washington, PC has the answers you need. We provide answers to the most frequently asked questions about Chapter 7 bankruptcy below.

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Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Q&A

Deciding to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a big step, and you want to feel confident that you are doing the right thing. Clark & Washington, PC, the largest bankruptcy filers in Georgia, provide answers to the four most frequently asked questions in this article that should help you know whether Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the best debt relief option for you.

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What Happens to Debt When I File For Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is intended to provide you with a second opportunity with your money. When you’ve gotten so far over your head with debt, declaring bankruptcy is a way to begin anew. But before entertaining the idea of bankruptcy to solve your financial worries, it helps to understand a little about what happens to debt when you file for bankruptcy.

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Steps to Ensure a Successful Bankruptcy Filing

Filing bankruptcy involves specific steps that must be completed successfully. Not understanding that process could mean having to start all over because you missed something. Even if you are not forced to start over you could encounter delays because you are not prepared. The best way to ensure a successful bankruptcy is to be as prepared as possible and that starts with a consultation with a qualified bankruptcy attorney.

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How Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Affects Your Credit

When people decide to hire Atlanta bankruptcy law firms to file for bankruptcy, a common question they have is how the filing will impact their credit. The attorneys at Clark & Washington, a law firm focusing exclusively on Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, are always happy to answer client questions. Filing for bankruptcy is a major decision with financial and legal implications, so knowing how it will impact your credit is important.

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The Advantages of Hiring Our Atlanta Bankruptcy Attorneys for Your Chapter 7 Filing

Once you decide to file for bankruptcy in Georgia, your next step is to find a qualified attorney to represent you. Although the law does allow bankruptcy petitioners to represent themselves in a process called pro se, most choose not to do so. Bankruptcy has long-term legal and financial consequences that can be challenging to understand when you do not have a legal background. You also need to consider that federal law prohibits bankruptcy judges and court employees from offering any advice about your case.

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